...But where is my home?!?
It took me a week to settle down here at UWC RBC. It took me two to get to know people's names. Four to get an overview of my classes, CASes and activities and now after 7 weeks I finally feel at home!! It took me a few days away from the school to realize this, but now that I have I feel more relaxed and balanced.
The life here at campus is so intense that you eventually need to get away for a while. For four of us this meant an extended weekend to Basel, Switzerland where we practiced intense relaxation, eating and laughing. Even though this trip wasn't a true UWC experience at school, I don't feel ashamed admitting that it was one of the best moments so far. We were so exited to leave; no more Mensa food (our kitchen is still under construction), no strict curfew (at school we have to be back at 23:45 in weekends) and no homework! We had a blast and for a while it made me doubt why I left that life at home in exchange for the squared boarding school surroundings. I got my answer at the day of our return; I realized that I really missed my "home" at campus, and that the friends I call my house mates have indeed become more as a family to me.
When we came back I ran to my house and knocked on people's doors gathering the "family" for a movie night. Again, I had a blast!
So today I decided to throw away the quotation marks around the words home and family referring to house 9 here at RBC, I will never forget the experiences I've had outside of campus, but I tend to forget all the wired, cozy and random stuff we experience within the walls of the school, which usually is just as giving and joyful. And these are indeed the most important for my well-being here and for the reason why we manage to get though all the stressful times with a smile on our lips.
I want to share a few of these moments with you so you can see that the UWC experience is indeed very diverse and what you want it to be. It can be what you learn in the classroom, how you develop as an individual but also what you do with your friends on a weekday at 4 am to get your minds of the homework you need to do. As you can see we're having a blast here - I hope you at home (and you co-years around the world) are too!
Game night - playing RISK until 4 am
This is the best spot to relax after classes with a great view over our garden!
Poker night vol. 2.0!
Celebrated my friend's birthday singing and laughing on a hill with view over the city - alternative but a great evening!
Three guys donated their hair - we could buy a change to cut it however we wanted and the donations will be sent to Syrian refugees (the results were quite funny and really ugly!!)
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