I figured that in my process of becoming a true global citizen, it would only be normal for me to switch to the English language - I hope you can bare with me! (And not at least with my bad grammar!)
Okay when that is stated, I will continue with the exiting stuff! When I started this post, I just finished orientation week (that was two weeks ago) which should give you a pretty solid impression of how busy I've been. (And the fact that it's midnight on a weekday...)
The messy schedules are becoming rhythms, strangers are becoming friends but I must admit that my German isn't following the development! (I guess that's jet to come since I had my first German class today) The days have been packed with lesions, social events, discussions, trips, meetings, homework, homework and HOMEWORK! The good thing about this craziness is that I've already learned a lot even though I've only attended classes for two weeks.
The bad thing is that I know that time is rather relaxing compared to the next two years, so I can only imagine the wonderful nightmare waiting for me. At campus we're constantly challenged with questions as; what can you contribute with? Who are you? Describe your nationality? What are your values? - Questions that takes more than two weeks of orientation to find the answer to! We've also been faced with our first essays – one of them in history class, where we had 40 min to write a structured essay (BY HAND!!!) on a question we didn't know – yes, as far from the Danish school system as you can get.
Luckily we are supported by the best team of professional and engaged people you could ever imagine. Like rock stars we'll be crowd surfing towards the end of this IB. ”It's us against the IB” as they say... Sometimes the weight might be too heavy, but just as at concerts, we will have a full audience to carry us up from the ground. - At least this is what I'm forced to believe since I've already head dived down from stage!
Another good helper is of cause the always available best back friend: coffee!! It took me exactly two days to learn how to swallow a black cup of coffee, and this habit has been unconsciously continuing since I arrived.
So cheers and good night my friends! Another crazy week is ahead, and you can be looking forward to more bladder and concerns in my future posts – until then, here's some thoughts and mantras of mine during the past weeks:
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