fredag den 26. september 2014

Stocked in the mud

Today the weather has been exactly how I expected it to be in Norway. We have had heavy rain all most all day and thunder storm, which caused a power cut during dinner, but it was actually cozy. 

Right now I am sitting at my desk writing this blog post, while the water splashes on the window. It’s completely dark outside and I can really feel that the autumn has set in. 

Even though the weather has been “bad” today, it was not an excuse for not participating in my weekly hiking EAC, so I tightened my hiking boots, put on my red rain jacket and I then started walking together with 11 other students. The hike was so beautiful, the leafs have started changing colors, and the few sun raises that managed to break through the heavy clouds made it all look magical. Because of all the rain, we walked in water and mud all the way, but it was just part of the experience. 

On our way back, I literally got stocked in the mud. I stepped on what I thought was a stone, but it turned out to be a big bunch of mud, which almost ate me. My knees were covered in mud, and I wouldn’t have been able to get up, if it wasn’t because of my friends, I don’t think I would ever have gone up from that hole! We all laughed at it afterwards, and I continued the hike, but with a thick layer of mud all over my legs. When we got back to campus, we were all very wet, and to wash of all the mud we decided to take a shower in the waterfall in front of cantina. It was freezing cold, but so funny. I ended this adventure with a looooong and warm shower!  

- Ulrikke      

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